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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Family Shoot

Love this family! We kept trying to find a time to do their photos. Finally we actually were going to both be out of town on the same weekend- happened to be going to the same state! The mother in this family recommended this place down in Utah. I wish I was closer, because I love the spot! Always excited to find a new place!
We kept trying to get some pics in good light, but it was just too bright of a day. We switched spots and bam! I got the sun, but I like the glow that came from it. 
Such pretty blue eyes. Love Father-Son pics! 

No, the mom and dad aren't standing in the water, the rocks go out that far. Again, pleased with the way the pic turned out. 
Aren't these guys a good looking couple?? 
The kids were figuring out poses by the end. I got a kick out of the daughter in this photo! 
It was such a cold day! These were done in the winter- they were such great sports!

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