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Thursday, September 27, 2012

44th Anniversary

I knew I was going to be doing this couples' 44th Anniversary pictures. Shame on me for being surprised at how spunky and fun they were! I could see why they have made it so long, and hope to do their 50th, and maybe even 80th in the future!
This plate was made for them from their wedding. It is a picture of the bride and groom, handsome couple! 
I love how you can still see the excitement in their eyes! 
I like the 'Gone With the Wind' look this picture has. 
We found an old car they use to drive back in the day. I made it black and white to represent the past, and them in color to represent the present. 
The wife really loved seeing the old trike we came across. Love it! Just goes to show you can always be young at heart! 
What great examples these two are! Thank you so much for letting me help celebrate a great Anniversary!

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